
Does wormhole really exist?

True Fact About Wormhole:                                                            
Wormhole is a thing that gives abillity to transfer something a billion light years within a minute or an hour. This is all just an imagination. But scientists believe that wormhole really exixts.we just need to find it. Maybe it behind you or somewhere else. But they are too small that we cannot see them                                                                                                             Here is the reason why wormhole creats:
  1. A wormhole creats when time is running.                         
 2.we know nothing is unsmooth. Even time. 
 3.When time is running, it runs unsmothly like all other particles. and the unsmooth particles causes lots of holes when time flows. These holes are called wormholes.

4.But this wormholes are smaller than any other particles.

wormhole is like kind of these picture. it creats a short distance between two places.     

If scientist can make a mannual wormhole by themselve, they can contcact with billions of light years galaxys and also can do time travel thing.     

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